Minimising Environmental Footprint
The environmental impact of business and industrial actions is a critical variable in the response to the climatic emergency. The entire life of products and processes must be analysed to minimise the environmental footprint. Qi Arrow implements Life Cycle Assessments, identifies the carbon footprint and pollutant emissions, can participate in the eco-design of products or in actions to apply concepts of circular economy or recycling, reuse and repair of products or waste.
Related Projects
EMASESA, is the public Water Supply and Sanitation Company of Aguas de Sevilla SA. It manages the direct supply of drinking water and the public sewerage and purification service of the Andalusia capital and several nearby towns.
Qi acceded to the contract to develop the public-private cooperation strategy, mainly in the Americas-Caribbean-Pacific areas, aligned with the strategies set by the companies, financing funds and national and international multilateral organizations that operate in those areas in relation to the water supply, management, associated services and sanitation.
One of the activities implemented within the framework of the project was to promote Corporate Social Responsibility, transparency and good governance activities, identifying measures to undertake and how to visualize and implement them in the organization.
The GCF Private Investment for Climate Conference ("GPIC") is a global marketplace and ecosystem where leading private sector actors including project sponsors, institutional investors, financial institutions, climate leaders, and the public sector come together to accelerate climate action in developing countries.
The Green Climate Fund (GCF) is a new global fund created to support the efforts of developing countries to respond to the challenge of climate change. The GCF helps developing countries limit or reduce their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and adapt to climate change. It seeks to promote a paradigm shift to low-emission and climate-resilient development, taking into account the needs of nations that are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. It was set up by the 194 countries who are parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in 2010, as part of the Convention’s financial mechanism. It aims to deliver equal amounts of funding to mitigation and adaptation, while being guided by the Convention’s principles and provisions.
Qi established a relationship with GPIC in 2017 to provide sound sustainable projects to the organization.
Sorbos ORIGINAL inspired designers to come up with a straw made of water, gelatine, sugar and a stabilizing ingredient or thickener, but with the sturdiness and functionality of plastic. However, Qi was contracted to elaborate the business plan and the feasibility study for a new ZERO sugar version in its pre-commercial pilot phase which completely modifies the formulation with fewer calories. This modification has offered the possibility of adding nutrients and vitamins and has made for a healthier version than the predecessor as it has no sugar content. The project was granted as well with an H2020 SME EU aid
CARBOMART, , is an online carbon-trading platform which brings together carbon credit buyers and carbon credit sellers. Managed by the Turkish company Green Consult and Finance, CARBOMART allows the carbon credit buyers to evaluate the carbon emission reduction projects by performing line by line project comparisons according to the social, environmental and economic sustainability criteria.
Moreover, the buyers can directly access the emission reduction projects with their sales prices directly set by the project developers/owners (sellers). This allows both buyers and sellers to get reference carbon credit prices and reference sustainability benchmarks for the emission-reduction projects. Green Consult and Finance was assessed. The company was advised in the development of the online platform and the user-friendly interface, in addition to strengthening its business plan with strategic alliances with other actors in the IT sector.
URBANREC has implemented an eco-innovative and integral bulky waste management system (enhancing prevention and reuse, improving logistics and allowing new waste treatments to obtain high added value recycled products) and demonstrate its effectiveness in different EU regions: Northern, Mediterranean, Eastern and South-eastern areas in Europe, represented in URBANREC by 3 EU-28 countries and Turkey. These countries currently have very different urban waste recycling rates, from around a 70% in Belgium, 25-30% in Spain, 20% in Poland, to less than 5% in Turkey, thus being representatives of the different scenarios at European level for the evaluation of different activities proposed in URBANREC project.
The FP7 URBAREC project, coordinated by the plastic’s technological centre AIMPLAS (Spain), with 21 partners and EUR 10 Million budget was awarded by the EU with a grant of EUR 8.6 million. Qi participated in the project structuring and design of the business model associated to the technical solution. The impact section of the file was fully prepared and redacted by Qi.
EMASESA is the public Water Supply and Sanitation Company of Aguas de Sevilla SA. It manages the direct supply of drinking water and the public sewerage and purification service of the Andalusian capital and several nearby towns.
Qi acceded to the contract to develop the public-private cooperation strategy, mainly in the Americas-Caribbean-Pacific areas, aligned with the strategies set by the companies, financing funds and national and international multilateral organizations that operate in those areas in relation to the water supply, management, associated services and sanitation.
The strategy designed by Qi allowed EMASESA more efficient and effective technical and economic participation in the different existing cooperation programmes, networks, forums and organizations, where it participated positively identified and analysed, optimising the impact of their activities at a national and international level, enhancing its reputation and contributing to the sustainable public management.
The contract proposed a strategic action plan that included a strategic diagnosis to determine EMASESA's position in the context of multilateral cooperation, the identification of EMASESA's differentiating capabilities, a motivated proposal to boost its presence in national and international networks and the analysis of geographical areas of interest to export EMASESA's capabilities to third countries.
EMASESA, is the public Water Supply and Sanitation Company of Aguas de Sevilla SA. It manages the direct supply of drinking water and the public sewerage and purification service of the Andalusian capital and several nearby towns.
Qi acceded to the contract to develop the public-private cooperation strategy, mainly in the Americas-Caribbean-Pacific areas, aligned with the strategies set by the companies, financing funds and national and international multilateral organizations that operate in those areas in relation to the water supply, management, associated services and sanitation.
One of the chapters of this extensive work consisted of the identification and classification of the national and international networks where EMASESA should have a presence and actions in social networks and direct marketing to value ESG actions in order to gain prestige and reputation.
Preparation of a file to ask the European Investment Bank (EIB) for a soft loan to offer several complete integrated systems to convert 10,000 tons per year of low-quality copper scrap into FRHC rods skipping the anode/cathode transformation through new plasma technology. The usage of copper scrap instead of cathodes has a positive impact both on the company economics and for the environment safeguard
Qi implemented the Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for the company JAP Energéticas Medioambientales SL of a patented hydrogen generation process based on the processing of ammonia and aluminium. The SimaPro software and the Ecoinvent v3 database were used.
The H2Recycling project intends to recover discarded aluminium through an exothermic reaction in which aluminium reacts in a reactor with ammonia water to generate aluminium hydroxide and hydrogen gas. The reaction is carried out under strongly alkaline conditions to avoid the passivation of aluminium. Upon completion, Qi wrote a sales folder for the sale of the technology to third parties