Working with Clean Technologies
The transport sector is responsible for 22% of greenhouse gas emissions, but it also has a direct impact on the health of citizens by concentrating its effects on cities. Qi Arrow participates in business models, including infrastructure deployment, in order to accelerate transition to the electrification of transport with batteries, hybrid systems or hydrogen.
Related Projects
INCIT-EV, a EUR 18.6 million project led by RENAULT, aims to demonstrate an innovative set of charging infrastructures, technologies and their associated business models, ready to improve the EV user experience beyond early adopters, thus fostering the EV market share in the EU.
Five demo environments in urban, peri-urban and extra-urban conditions will be ready for the deployment of seven use cases, addressing: smart and bi-directional charging optimised at different aggregation levels, a dynamic wireless charging lane in an urban area, dynamic wireless charging for long distance (e-road prototype for TEN-T corridors), charging Hub in a park and ride facility, superfast charging systems for EU corridors, low-power DC bi-directional charging infrastructure for EVs, including two-wheelers and opportunity wireless charging for taxi queue lanes in airports and central stations.
With 33 participants, Qi has been assigned as WP9 leader and participates in a total of 15 tasks. WP9 intends to generate economic analysis of the five demos and seven use cases to find sustainable business models and a roadmap to speed up the introduction of the proven technologies in the marketplace.
The Institute of Energy Technology of Valencia (ITE), hired Qi to reorganize its third-party services and identify the lines of strategic interest aligned with the new trends in European research programmes; specifically, identification of strategic research lines and related collaborative projects, internal reorganization associated with the new lines, identification of topics of interest in the European R&D framework programmes (Horizon2020 and HorizonEurope) and preparation of proposals including business models for the associated emerging technologies (impact section).
FABRIC responds to the need to assess the potential and feasibility of a more extensive integration of electric vehicles in the mobility and transportation system, focusing primarily on dynamic wireless charging which allows practically all drawbacks of on-board battery packs to be avoided. On-road charging also enables the direct link to renewable energy sources.
Qi partially redacted the ‘impact’ section and participated in the project as the entity responsible for executing the business models associated with three selected scenarios using Wireless Dynamic charging of EVs, E-Trucks and E-buses on motorways, peri-urban areas and urban areas. A Cost-benefit analysis, a Life Cycle Costing and the business models where delivered during the project for the mentioned market niches.
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Central Office
Phone: +34 910 337 799
Address: Av. Pablo VI, Nº 9, Puerta C, oficina C.
DP 28224, Pozuelo de Alarcón, MADRID.
Technology & I+D
Address: Avenida Jean Claude Combaldieu s/n
Distrito Digital. Edificio 2, 03008 Alicante