Business Strategic Solutions
Nowadays it is necessary to undertake innovative business models based on digitalisation, environmental respect and social and management reputation. New sales channels, social networks or gender actions are important issues that must be part of an updated business model. Qi Arrow has specialised in sustainable business solutions and strategic planning to face the green future.
Related Projects
INCIT-EV, a EUR 18.6 million project led by RENAULT, aims to demonstrate an innovative set of charging infrastructures, technologies and their associated business models, ready to improve the EV user experience beyond early adopters, thus fostering the EV market share in the EU.
Five demo environments in urban, peri-urban and extra-urban conditions will be ready for the deployment of seven use cases, addressing: smart and bi-directional charging optimised at different aggregation levels, a dynamic wireless charging lane in an urban area, dynamic wireless charging for long distance (e-road prototype for TEN-T corridors), charging Hub in a park and ride facility, superfast charging systems for EU corridors, low-power DC bi-directional charging infrastructure for EVs, including two-wheelers and opportunity wireless charging for taxi queue lanes in airports and central stations.
With 33 participants, Qi has been assigned as WP9 leader and participates in a total of 15 tasks. WP9 intends to generate economic analysis of the five demos and seven use cases to find sustainable business models and a roadmap to speed up the introduction of the proven technologies in the marketplace.
Space Techies
Qi has developed numerous manuals on European R&D programmes (for example for the Autonomous Communities of Madrid and Valencia) and has taught courses on the preparation of European proposals. It has also advised on the development of material oriented towards sustainability and new technologies for schoolchildren. Spacetechies is a company dedicated to face-to-face training in a space dedicated to the teaching of technologies, digital skills, programming and robotics in central Madrid.
The training is for children, adolescents and adults and provides purely technical training in technological tools and devices but also supports the emotional, social and personal development of students and integrates the educational project in the centres. Qi also provides in-company training on ESG concepts.
Floating offshore wind (FOW) is an emerging and fast-growing technology with a very large potential market and the possibility to contribute with a large share to decarbonise the global energy mix. Following the European strategy, a complementary and experienced industry consortium with leading academic & research partners was set up to undertake the Demowind WIP10+ project with the main objective of accelerating the deployment of FOW by demonstrating at open sea using a cost-competitive wind energy solution rated at 2*6 MW of power.
Qi was responsible for preparing the business model, make calculations for LCC and LCOE and prepare the impact section.
Sorbos ORIGINAL inspired designers to come up with a straw made of water, gelatine, sugar and a stabilizing ingredient or thickener, but with the sturdiness and functionality of plastic. However, Qi was contracted to elaborate the business plan and the feasibility study for a new ZERO sugar version in its pre-commercial pilot phase which completely modifies the formulation with fewer calories. This modification has offered the possibility of adding nutrients and vitamins and has made for a healthier version than the predecessor as it has no sugar content. The project was granted as well with an H2020 SME EU aid
Insulcloud won an SME instrument grant to develop the Insulclock medical device, a small electronic device very easily plugged into any insulin-injection pen, which helps patients automatically track critical information about their treatment, such as remembering the date, time and dosage of the last shot and the time of the next one, as well as monitoring the type of insulin and its temperature. A reminder system which employs visual and acoustic alerts avoids mistakes and omissions.
Qi provided coaching services, assigned by the European Commission (EASME), to the company aiming to accelerate the penetration of the emerging company in the marketplace.
The company had significant challenges ahead in terms of product refining, clinical trials, product certification, app development (telemedicine), production organisation, internal restructuring, marketing and sales launching at national and international levels (market segmentation), cooperation agreements and phase III access. In all these phases, our coach service was required to optimise those activities, reducing dead time and accelerating the market uptake.
URBANREC has implemented an eco-innovative and integral bulky waste management system (enhancing prevention and reuse, improving logistics and allowing new waste treatments to obtain high added value recycled products) and demonstrate its effectiveness in different EU regions: Northern, Mediterranean, Eastern and South-eastern areas in Europe, represented in URBANREC by 3 EU-28 countries and Turkey. These countries currently have very different urban waste recycling rates, from around a 70% in Belgium, 25-30% in Spain, 20% in Poland, to less than 5% in Turkey, thus being representatives of the different scenarios at European level for the evaluation of different activities proposed in URBANREC project.
The FP7 URBAREC project, coordinated by the plastic’s technological centre AIMPLAS (Spain), with 21 partners and EUR 10 Million budget was awarded by the EU with a grant of EUR 8.6 million. Qi participated in the project structuring and design of the business model associated to the technical solution. The impact section of the file was fully prepared and redacted by Qi.
PRoPosit is a Spanish medical company that has investigated new blood derivatives to be used at the clinical level in humans and veterinary fields. The PRoPosit PRP protocol is an a new Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) procedure developed by PRoPosit that allows the production of autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma of high purity and quality and a lower cost to be used in different medical specialist fields such as traumatology, dermatology, urology, aesthetic medicine, vascular surgery, etc.
PRoPosit contracted Qi to boost the technical and commercial development of its ‘Para-T’ device. The Para-T system is defined as a medical device to perform a direct, quick and permanent ABO group identification in a bag containing whole blood or red blood cells and/or in the catheter inserted in the vein of a patient, to identify the ABO group and to prevent incompatible transfusions between the transfusion bag and the recipient.
Qi carried out the business model, the preparation and defence of the EU grant and the related feasibility analysis during a period of around 2 years aimed at introducing the product in the market.