By adopting the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in 2015, governments around the world chose a more sustainable path for our planet and our economy. In 2018 the European Union, through a high-level group of experts (HLEG) issued a report with 24 recommendations based on three main points:
The action plan consisted in:
- Develop an EU classification system for sustainable activities (taxonomy)
- Create standards and labels for green financial products
- Encourage investment in sustainable projects
- Incorporate sustainability when offering financial advice.
- Develop sustainability benchmarks (indexes)
- Better integrate sustainability into credit ratings and market research
- Clarify the obligations of institutional investors and asset managers
- Incorporate sustainability into prudential requirements
- Strengthen the disclosure of sustainability and the development of accounting standards
- Promote sustainable corporate governance and reduce short-termism in capital markets
QiArrow Services
Sustainable Investment Evaluation for Asset Managers
The objective of this service is to achieve the alignment of projects with the taxonomy in order to help investors understand whether an economic activity is environmentally sustainable or not. It also links corporate initiatives to low-carbon benchmarks used in individual or collective investment portfolios. Finally, it implements mandatory transparency standards, which must be applied by participants in financial services to integrate into their processes and assess not only financial risks but also sustainability risks.