Qi Arrow applies directive 2011/0308 of annual financial statements, consolidated financial statements and related reports of certain types of undertakings, discloses public contracts to avoid corruption and highlights Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives.
Related Projects
EMASESA, is the public Water Supply and Sanitation Company of Aguas de Sevilla SA. It manages the direct supply of drinking water and the public sewerage and purification service of the Andalusia capital and several nearby towns.
Qi acceded to the contract to develop the public-private cooperation strategy, mainly in the Americas-Caribbean-Pacific areas, aligned with the strategies set by the companies, financing funds and national and international multilateral organizations that operate in those areas in relation to the water supply, management, associated services and sanitation.
One of the activities implemented within the framework of the project was to promote Corporate Social Responsibility, transparency and good governance activities, identifying measures to undertake and how to visualize and implement them in the organization.
EMASESA is the public Water Supply and Sanitation Company of Aguas de Sevilla SA. It manages the direct supply of drinking water and the public sewerage and purification service of the Andalusian capital and several nearby towns.
Qi acceded to the contract to develop the public-private cooperation strategy, mainly in the Americas-Caribbean-Pacific areas, aligned with the strategies set by the companies, financing funds and national and international multilateral organizations that operate in those areas in relation to the water supply, management, associated services and sanitation.
The strategy designed by Qi allowed EMASESA more efficient and effective technical and economic participation in the different existing cooperation programmes, networks, forums and organizations, where it participated positively identified and analysed, optimising the impact of their activities at a national and international level, enhancing its reputation and contributing to the sustainable public management.
The contract proposed a strategic action plan that included a strategic diagnosis to determine EMASESA's position in the context of multilateral cooperation, the identification of EMASESA's differentiating capabilities, a motivated proposal to boost its presence in national and international networks and the analysis of geographical areas of interest to export EMASESA's capabilities to third countries.
EMASESA, is the public Water Supply and Sanitation Company of Aguas de Sevilla SA. It manages the direct supply of drinking water and the public sewerage and purification service of the Andalusian capital and several nearby towns.
Qi acceded to the contract to develop the public-private cooperation strategy, mainly in the Americas-Caribbean-Pacific areas, aligned with the strategies set by the companies, financing funds and national and international multilateral organizations that operate in those areas in relation to the water supply, management, associated services and sanitation.
One of the chapters of this extensive work consisted of the identification and classification of the national and international networks where EMASESA should have a presence and actions in social networks and direct marketing to value ESG actions in order to gain prestige and reputation.