Sustainability is no longer an option but a necessity to guarantee human survival in the near future.
The United Nations IPBES 2020 report “Global Assessment on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” reveals that our relentless demand for Earth’s resources is accelerating extinction rates and devastating ecosystems with serious risk for the survival of numerous species on earth as of 2030 (1 million of the 9 animal or plant species could disappear). It is therefore the responsibility of everyone, governments, companies, and families to modify the consumption habits and the way we interact with each other and with nature to guarantee our own survival.
The collaborative Ecosystem led by Qi Arrow works with medium-sized companies, including those of an industrial nature, that seek to align with the 17 United Nations Sustainability Goals and the ESG indicators. The set of services offered are indicated below.
QiArrow Services
Sustainability Diagnosis
This service is based on a Materiality Analysis, i.e., a diagnosis in two dimensions of the most important material topics in terms of the organization’s contributions (positive and negative) to its economic, social and environmental context. Some interest groups will be defined, and results will be prioritized and mapped against the United Nations ODP. Sustainability diagnosis is the base for the strategy formulation.
Methodology: Global Reporting initiative (GRI) o el Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). Accredited AENOR.
Sustainability Strategic Plan
Based on the Sustainability Roadmap, the Strategic Plan identifies real transformation opportunities and sets metrics and kPIs for each specific action. A Gantt and Pert diagram are prepared, and a budget associated to each action is elaborated. The financial aids are also identified, and an interim Sustainability Manager proposed for complex transformation processes. Own methodology